Total Price1,855.00


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    1 Year Single User Subscription

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3ds Max

3ds Max® brings new capabilities to modelling, animation, and rendering tools so you can focus on being creative.

3ds Max

3ds Max® professional 3D modelling, rendering and animation software enables you to create expansive worlds and premium designs.


Breathe life into environments and landscapes with robust modelling tools. Create finely detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools. Iterate and produce professional-grade renders with full artistic control.


Why use 3ds Max?

  • Fuel the imagination with worldbuilding and asset creation tools.
  • Automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks so you meet deadlines.
  • Stay in the creative flow with tools in an artist-friendly UI.


Manufactured by Autodesk

3ds Max Overview

Driving creative excellence with modern tools in 3ds Max.


1 Year Single User Subscription

Original Price: 1,855.00

“A long-standing and accomplished history in Games and Design Visualisation can be seen everywhere. 3dsMax has a huge loyal and helpful community user base, with prevalent plugin support that makes what you can achieve unlimited”.

Richard Seanor, Senior Solutions Architect

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